Friday, November 21, 2008

Service Day Report

Today was service day! I went with Drama Club to read books to preschoolers, and it was so fun! Decked out in my bright-yellow overalls, multicolored hat, watermelon-toned scarf, and Dr. Seuss T-shirt, I hopped onto the mini-bus with Bridgette, Janam, Kelsey, Chloe, Emily, JJ, and Karishma, and ventured to three schools throughout Athens. I took my book of "vegan-brainwashing (JOKE!)" Shel Silverstein poems and read some pretty awesome ones to the kids, particularly "Ridiculous Rose," "Hug-o-War," "One Inch Tall," and "Sick." Here are some interesting things that the young'ns did:

  • When I was reading, one teacher said to a young child, "David! No kissing on the mouth, remember!"
  • While Chloe was reading her Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus story, there was many a chorus of "NO!!!!!!!!!!'s" whenever she asked, as the pigeon, "Can I drive the bus?"
  • During Emily's Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving, when she said "aww, he got his feelings hurt," one little boy was like, "That happens to me sometimes. When I make toast."
So, yes. They are very, very interesting little things.

On a, erm, darker note, Ella went to see Twilight the Movie with friends. Unfortunately, she forgot to get a ride home. :-Z. Not that great, and it puts a lot of pressure on me, who should have gotten my learner's in...let's see...March!

Oh, now she has a ride. GOOD. That scared me. I'm sort of worried about what Mom is going to be like when she gets home. She will not be happy about Ella. Oh, well. At least I'm the good little girl who did the dishes while her sister was watching a movie!

So...whirlwind day. And...oh yeah! I'm staying with Ginger for five days in January. FUN! I'm excited, especially since I haven't seen the dogs in forever.


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